
To Install Teamviewer on Linux:

Open a terminal/shell
Ensure you are running these commands as root

type and run
yum install epel-release
(type  y and y when prompted )   

type and run

type and run  
yum install ./teamviewer-host*.rpm  
(type  y and y when prompted )   

Accept the license agreement popup

type and run
yum install harfbuzz

launch teamviewer by typing 'teamviewer' in a shell

Do not select  ‘grant easy access’  – set a password  by clicking on “set a personal password” select the security tab on the left and set a password click apply and ok

Teamviewer have added "Wayland" support recently. This does not always work with Linux and there is no ability to remote control from the remote client to a linux host.  To fix this, once Teamviewer is installed, as root edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf  and remove the # in front of #WaylandEnable=false and save and reboot reboot

Linux bug note: after a reboot when you start teamviewer  for the first time you may not get an ID. This is a bug. You need to restart  ‘x’ (the linux graphics ) by ctrl+alt+backspace and login again and then start ‘teamviewer’ and now you should have an ID

    Stop TeamViewer process (PID).
        pkill -f TeamViewer
    Cycle TeamViewer daemon.
        systemctl restart teamviewerd
    Click the TeamViewer icon in the task tray to start TeamViewer.

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